Saturday 10 October 2015


Some variant of Green Muscle Soap
Nowadays, natural beauty care kinda happening. Away from chemical things and danger ingredients, makes us more concern about our healthy skin. So here my review for : Green Muscle Soap, who claimed that they based on natural ingridient and good for skin.

I know this product from my friend, she produce this label, so im kinda proud of it. ^^v
I buy 4 kind of soap which is ; Chocolate. Greentea. Cinnamon, Coffee and Brown Sugar. Oatmeal and Honey.
And now im goin with the first one, Chocolate Soap.

Front view of the packaging.

Back view of the packaging, also the ingredients detail.
The Chocolate Soap.
Plastic for wrapping the soap.

Now, i will let you see the soap more closely...

I cut the soap for seeing the center.
Seperti yang kalian lihat, dari luar sabunnya berwarna coklat muda dan dalamnya berwarna coklat tua. Menurutku lebih mirip sama chocolate caramel candy gitu sih, hehe..

Kandungan dan Manfaat Coklat Untuk Kulit (based on the text inside the soap) :

  • Flavanoid. Sejenis antioksidan yang mengandung senyawa yang disebut epicatechins yang memiliki sifat antiseptik dan anti inflamasi, berfungsi untuk menghilangkan jerawat yang meradang dan membunuh kuman.
  • Flavanol. Kandungan flavanol dalam coklat dapat memperbaiki sel-sel kulit yang rusak serta membuat kulit kencang, sehat, dan bebas kuman.
  • Kolagen dan Elastin. Zat ini bisa mencegah keriput, kulit kendur, bintik gelap, dan meratakan warna kulit menjadi lebih cerah serta mengontrol minyak berlebih tetapi tidak membuat kulit kering.
  • Kandungan gula dalam coklat dapat meningkatkan kelembaban kulit.

Cara Pakai :
Busakan ke seluruh badan. Tunggu hingga lima 1-3 menit, lalu bilas hingga busa bersih.

They claimed that this soap can be use on face because of their natural ingredients.

So here the result...

Smell Nice! Like a baby soap but with a taste of Chocolate
Foamy! Busanya banyak gak kayak soap bar biasa yang busanya kadang gak keliatan
So Gentle and Smooth on skin

The packaging of the soap it seems not sterile. So i think the bacteria easy stick and grow at the soap (but it is allright remembering the price of this product)
Can't use on my face. That basicly is Sensitive Dry Skin, after i use the soap on my face, i feel so dry and not moist at all.

May i repurchased this product? Not for this variant.

Thankyou for visiting and please dont forget to follow my blog and G+.
Catch me up at the next soap variant review, so stay tune! xoxo

Warm hug,

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